Michigan Transfer Agreement
Jackson College participates in the Michigan Transfer Agreement (MTA) between public and private community colleges and universities in Michigan. The MTA makes it easier for students to transfer their general education courses earned at Jackson College to participating four-year institutions in Michigan and gives students more flexibility in the selection of courses they can take to satisfy the general education requirements. Working closely with your student success navigator is recommended to assure meeting MTA requirements.
Requirements of the Michigan Transfer Agreement
- Minimum 30 credits
- Minimum grade 2.0 for each course
(2 courses, 1 of which must be Composition)
- English (ENG) 131, 132, 201*, 232
- Communications (COM) 231, 240, 250
- *Please note: ENG 201 Advanced Composition (3 credits) is a by invitation only English course that may be substituted for ENG 132
(at least 1 course)
- Mathematics (MAT) 130, 133, 135, 139, 141, 151, 154, 251, 254
(at least 2 courses from two disciplines; 1 must be laboratory science)
- Biology (BIO) 110, 132, 140, 158, 161, 162, 220, 231, 232, 253, 254
- Chemistry (CEM) 131, 132, 141, 142
- Geography (GEO) 131
- Geology (GEL) 109, 160
- Natural Science (NSC) 131, 140, 141, 141L
- Physics (PHY) 131, 150, 151, 231, 232, 251, 252
(at least 2 courses from two disciplines)
- Anthropology (ANT) 131
- Criminal Justice (CRJ) 111, 117
- Economics (ECN) 231, 232
- Geography (GEO) 131, 132
- History (HIS) 231, 232, 235
- Psychology (PSY) 130, 140, 152, 245, 251, 252, 290
- Political Science (PLS) 141
- Sociology (SOC) 117, 152, 231, 235, 236, 246
(at least 2 courses from two disciplines)
- Art (ART) 111, 112
- English (ENG) 210, 236, 246, 247, 249, 252, 254, 255, 256, 257
- French (FRN) 131, 132
- German (GER) 131, 132
- History (HIS) 120, 131, 132, 211
- Humanities (HUM) 131
- Music (MUS) 130, 131, 132, 151, 152
- Philosophy (PHL) 231, 232, 243
- Spanish (SPN) 131, 132, 231, 232
- Theatre (THR) 116